10 Simple Exercises for Seniors with Dementia to Keep Them Active

Jul 24, 2023


Staying active is important for seniors with dementia as it can help improve their overall well-being and quality of life. Engaging in regular exercise not only promotes physical health but also stimulates the mind and enhances cognitive function. In this blog post, we will explore 10 simple exercises that can be beneficial for seniors with dementia, helping them stay active and maintain their independence.

1. Walking

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. Encourage seniors with dementia to take short walks around the neighborhood or in a nearby park. Walking not only improves cardiovascular health but also provides an opportunity to enjoy nature and socialize with others.

elderly walking

2. Chair Exercises

For seniors with limited mobility, chair exercises are a great option. These exercises can be performed while sitting down and help improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Simple activities like seated leg lifts, arm circles, and shoulder rolls can be easily done at home or in a group setting.

3. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise that combines flowing movements with deep breathing and mental focus. It has been shown to reduce stress, improve balance, and enhance cognitive function. Seniors with dementia can benefit from attending Tai Chi classes specifically designed for their needs.

tai chi elderly

4. Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is a low-impact exercise that takes place in a pool. The buoyancy of water reduces the stress on joints, making it an ideal exercise for seniors with dementia. Water aerobics classes are often available at local community centers or senior living facilities.

5. Stretching

Stretching exercises can help improve flexibility and prevent muscle stiffness. Encourage seniors with dementia to perform gentle stretches for major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs, neck, and back. Stretching can be done in the comfort of their own home or as part of a group exercise class.

senior stretching

6. Dancing

Dancing is not only a fun and enjoyable activity but also a great way to stay active. Put on some music and encourage seniors with dementia to dance along. Dancing can improve balance, coordination, and cognitive function, while also providing a social and emotional outlet.

7. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball is a modified version of the traditional game that is suitable for seniors with dementia. It helps improve hand-eye coordination, range of motion, and social interaction. Set up a net or use a rope to create a makeshift court and have fun playing balloon volleyball with your loved one.

balloon volleyball

8. Indoor Golf

Indoor golfing can be a therapeutic activity that can be enjoyed by seniors with dementia. It provides an opportunity to connect with socialize with family, engage in physical movement, and utilize gross motor skills. Encourage your loved one and schedule indoor golf in their weekly routine.

9. Brain Games

While not a physical exercise per se, brain games and puzzles can help keep the mind active and engaged. Activities like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and memory games can help improve cognitive function and memory retention in seniors with dementia.

brain games elderly

10. Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and promote relaxation in seniors with dementia. Encourage your loved one to take slow, deep breaths while counting to four, hold the breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly. This simple exercise can be done anywhere and anytime.


Regular exercise is essential for seniors with dementia to maintain their physical and mental well-being. By incorporating these 10 simple exercises into their daily routine, you can help your loved one stay active, engaged, and enjoy a better quality of life.