A Guide to Implementing Namaste Activities

Jul 31, 2023

Step 1: Creating a Calm Environment

The first step is to create a calm and soothing environment. This could be a quiet room with comfortable seating, soft lighting, and calming music. The aim is to make the person feel safe and relaxed. It's also important to ensure the space is free from distractions and potential hazards.

calm environment

Choosing the Right Music

Music plays a key role in Namaste Care. It's recommended to choose music that the person enjoys or finds soothing. This could be classical music, nature sounds, or songs from their youth. The volume should be low enough to create a peaceful ambiance but loud enough for the patient to hear.

Step 2: Engaging the Senses

Namaste Care involves engaging the senses to stimulate cognition and evoke positive emotions. This could involve the use of scented candles or essential oils to create a pleasant aroma, tactile objects for the patient to touch, or visually stimulating items like colourful flowers.

senses stimulation

Choosing the Right Items

When choosing items to engage the senses, consider the patient's preferences and past experiences. For example, if they loved gardening, a floral scent and a bouquet of fresh flowers could be very effective. It's also important to ensure that all items are safe and appropriate for the patient's current cognitive and physical abilities.

Step 3: Implementing the Activity

Now that the environment is prepared, it's time to engage the patient in the activity. This could be as simple as listening to music, touching different textures, or observing a lava lamp. The goal is to promote relaxation and enjoyment, not to challenge or confuse the patient. 

Providing gentle, rolling massage to the face, hands or legs can be soothing. When massaging, ensure that the skin is in tack and the person is not in pain. Use passive range of motion but always keep safety in mind. Only move the person's body to the extent that he or she can. Consult with your doctor or a professional if you are unsure how to implement proper range of motion.

namaste activity

Monitoring the Patient's Response

Throughout the activity, it's important to monitor the person's response. If they seem distressed or uninterested, it might be necessary to adjust the activity or try something different. On the other hand, if they seem engaged and relaxed, this is a good sign that the activity is beneficial.


By creating a calm environment, engaging the senses, and choosing appropriate activities, you can help improve the patient's quality of life and provide a moment of peace and enjoyment in their day.