How to Incorporate Music into Your Senior's Daily Routine

Jul 23, 2023

Music therapy has been proven to have many benefits for seniors, including reducing anxiety and depression, improving cognitive function, and promoting overall well-being. If you have a senior in your life, incorporating music therapy into their daily routine can be a great way to improve their quality of life. Here are some tips on how to do it:

Choose the Right Music

The first step in incorporating music therapy into your senior's daily routine is to choose the right music. You'll want to select music that is calming and soothing, such as classical music or instrumental pieces. Avoid music with lyrics that may be distracting or overwhelming.

music therapy

Create a Relaxing Environment

Once you've selected the right music, it's important to create a relaxing environment for your senior. This could mean turning down the lights, using aromatherapy, or creating a comfortable seating area. The goal is to create a peaceful space where your senior can relax and enjoy the music.

Encourage Singing and Dancing

Singing and dancing can be great ways to incorporate music therapy into your senior's daily routine. Encourage your senior to sing along with the music or to get up and dance. This can be a fun and enjoyable way to get some exercise and improve their mood.

singing senior

Use Music During Daily Activities

You can also incorporate music into your senior's daily activities. For example, you can play calming music during meal times or while doing household chores. This can help to create a more peaceful and enjoyable atmosphere.

Consider Music Therapy Sessions

If you're interested in taking music therapy, consider scheduling sessions with a licensed music therapist. A music therapist can work with your senior to create a personalized music therapy plan that addresses their specific needs and goals.

music therapy session

Make it a Regular Part of the Routine

Finally, it's important to make music activities a regular part of your senior's daily routine. This could mean scheduling a specific time each day for music or incorporating it into their existing routine. The more consistent you are with music activities, the more benefits your senior will experience.


Music can be a wonderful way to improve the quality of life for seniors. By choosing the right music, creating a relaxing environment, encouraging singing and dancing, using music during daily activities, considering music therapy sessions, and making it a regular part of the routine, you can help your senior experience the many benefits of music therapy.