Namaste Activities for Dementia Care

Jul 31, 2023

Understanding Namaste Activities for Dementia

The term 'Namaste' is a respectful form of greeting originating from India. However, in the context of dementia care, 'Namaste' refers to a specific program of activities designed to engage, soothe and uplift individuals living with advanced dementia. These activities focus on sensory stimulation and personal attention, providing a sense of calm and comfort to those in need.

namaste dementia care

The Purpose of Namaste Activities

As dementia progresses, conventional activities and forms of communication can become challenging. Namaste activities offer an alternative, engaging the senses and promoting a sense of peace and wellbeing.

Typical Namaste Activities

Namaste activities can take many forms, but all are designed to be calming, engaging and meaningful. These activities often involve tactile experiences such as hand massages with aromatic oils, listening to soothing music, or enjoying visually stimulating items such as flowers or colorful fabrics.

aromatherapy hand massage

Implementing Namaste Activities

Implementing Namaste activities in a care setting requires careful planning and a dedicated space. The environment should be quiet and peaceful, with comfortable seating and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. A typical Namaste session might last for fifteen minutes to one hour, with activities carefully selected to match the individual's preferences and abilities.

Benefits of Namaste Activities

Namaste activities have been shown to provide numerous benefits for people with dementia. These include reduced agitation, improved mood, better sleep quality, and increased social interaction. For caregivers, these activities offer a meaningful way to connect with individuals who may be unable to communicate in traditional ways.

dementia care benefits


In conclusion, Namaste activities offer a valuable tool in the care of individuals with dementia. By engaging the senses and promoting relaxation, these activities can enhance quality of life and provide a sense of peace and comfort for those living with this challenging condition.